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SSG TALK (쓱톡)뭐 살지 고민될 때, 친구와 쓱톡! 상품이 궁금하면 1:1 셀러톡~친구의 주소를 몰라도 간편하게 쓱톡으로 선물할 수 있어요.이제 매장의 새로운 소식도 쓱톡으로 만나 보세요.9. 카드 Push알림내 카드가 할인 할 때, 행사하는지 궁금하시죠?앱 설정에서 고객님 카드를 체크하시면, 카드 행사를 Push로 알려드립니다.* 문의 및 불편 접수사용 중 불편하신 점이나, 문의사항은 아래 메일 또는 고객만족센터로 보내주시면, 친절하게 답변 드리겠습니다.문의 메일 : [email protected] 모바일 고객만족센터 : http://m.ssg.com/customer/main.ssg[ APP 접근 권한 안내]서비스에 필요한 접근권한에 대해 안내 드립니다.① 필수적 접근 권한*) 기기 및 앱 기록 : 앱 오류 확인 및 사용성 개선 ② 선택적 접근 권한*선택적 접근 권한은 해당 기능 이용시 동의를 받고 있으며, 비허용시에도 해당 기능 외 서비스 이용이 가능합니다. *) 사진/카메라 : 포토리뷰, 스캔검색, 쓱톡메신저, 모바일영수증, 항공권 예매를 위한 여권 스캔*) 마이크 : 음성검색*) 주소록 : 선물하기 연락처 사용시*) 위치 : 내 주변 숙소 정보 및 숙소까지의 거리 표시*) 전화 : 휴대전화 상태 및 ID 읽기 *안드로이드 6.0미만 버전의 스마트폰에서는 OS특성상[선택적 접근 권한]에 대한 사용자 선택이 제한됩니다.----개발자 연락처 :+8215773419If you do not log in, order, or pay in the app, you can use it normally by updating the Android and Chrome versions.- Update to the latest version of Android System Webview (54 or higher) from Google Playstore:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.webview- Update to the latest version of Chrome Browser (54 or higher) from Google Playstore:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.android.chromeThe mobile app uses the default system webview provided by Android, and it is assumed that an error occurs because the Android system webview of a specific version in the past does not properly recognize the recently issued security certificate.----------------------Koreas No. 1 discount store E-Mart!Mobile E-Mart Mall will reduce your shopping burden with up to half price sale.1. Obanjang (Todays Shiny Shopping)9 am every day! Up to half price! We go to products that surpass social commerce.What product is it today? Check it out at E-Mart Mall every day.2. Newspaper advertisement of the weekHave you seen E-Marts flyers or newspaper ads?Just like a store event! collected. Shop online easily now.3. During the eventProducts that have a lot of sales, products that give gifts!When you cant find it, shop conveniently at the store during the event.4. Everything you used to buy in one roomWe aim for quick shopping with carefully selected 60 popular items.Here, an amazing fact! Edit the items you are looking for frequently.5. Frequent purchaseStore products purchased at E-Mart stores and online!Do you like it and will buy it again and visit it often? When you log in, the frequent purchase menu appears.6. Today is e-cookingWhat are you eating today? When you worry about three meals a day!Recipe information and shopping for seasonal dishes and event products all at once~7. Gift serviceWhen shopping and asking for payment in lieu of payment, ask for a gift!If you want to give a gift to a friend even if you dont know the options or shipping address, send it as a gift!8. SSG TALKWhen thinking about what to buy, chat with a friend! If you are curious about the product, 1:1 Seller Talk~Even if you dont know your friends address, you can easily gift it with Suktok.Now, meet the latest news from the store.9. Card Push NotificationWondering if my card has a discount when its on?If you check your card in the app settings, you will be notified of the card event by push.* Inquiries and complaints receivedIf you have any inconveniences or inquiries during use, please send them to the email below or to the Customer Satisfaction Center, and we will respond kindly.Inquiry email: [email protected] Customer Satisfaction Center: http://m.ssg.com/customer/main.ssg[ APP access right guide]We will inform you about the access rights required for the service.① Required access rights*) Device and app history: Check app errors and improve usability② Optional access rights*Selective access rights are agreed upon when using the function, and services other than the function can be used even when not permitted.*) Photo/Camera: photo review, scan search, suktok messenger, mobile receipt, passport scan for ticket reservation*) Microphone: Voice search*) Address Book: When using gift-giving contacts*) Location: Displays information about nearby accommodations and distances to the accommodations*) Phone: Read phone status and ID*For smartphones with Android version 6.0 or lower, due to OS characteristicsUser selection for [Selective Access Rights] is restricted.∙ 더욱 편리한 서비스 제공을 위해 기능 개선 및 앱 안정화를 진행하였습니다. 더 가치 있는 온라인 쇼핑을 누릴 수 있도록 계속 노력하겠습니다 :D
Very good app. I buy all my needful from this app.♡♡♡♡♡
위아래 스크롤하는데, 팔랑팔랑 옆페이지로 막 넘어가요. 업데이트 후 최악.
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This app is so detailed. It does pretty much what other apps do: daily check-in points, sale ads, coupons, suggested items, etc. but it has the department store, online mall, and offline marts all combined.
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만들거면 좀 복잡하게 하지 마
Facebook login stopped working out of nowhere. Unable to use the app.
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Pretty good and smooth